Wednesday, June 11, 2014

John Green Talks About Reading

Reading, for him, "was like a way into empathy."  
"Everything that you want to do in your life will be made easier and better and more fulfilling by reading."
"It expands the map of your world."

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Van Gogh and Bookstores

Linda Piehl Woodard said this: But I have to admit that I had to double-check to see if he in fact did say this, and he did in a letter to his brother in 1877, but it was almost like an aside: (So often, in the past as well, a visit to a bookshop has cheered me up and reminded me that there are good things in the world.) And reading the letter was AMAZING...a lost art, indeed. Here is it in full, well the translation of it if anyone is interested, with the quote after 64:

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Maps for Lewis and Clark

Reading is Magical

The ABC's of Finding Reliable and Useful Information

The ABC's of Finding Reliable and Useful Information

ABC's of Finding Reliable Sources
A = Author (Who wrote it?)

B = Bias (Why did he or she write it?)

C = Coverage  (What is in it? Does the information fit with what you've already learned?

D = Dates (When was it written and published?  When was it last updated?)

E =  Editor (How well has it been edited?  Does it seem that someone cared enough to make it correct and readable?)

                                                Is it USEFUL?