. . . and have posted your three sources from Pioneer on Edmodo, you could begin your PowerPoint (or Slides on GoogleDrive) using this template:
Using the template -- to fill in or to look at would make your project quicker to put together.
- Home
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- Selecting a Book at Your Reading Level
- Utah State Core
- Internet Safety and Savy!
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- BICUM Brochure
- Recommended Books
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- Information to Memorize
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
November 25, 2014
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Have a marvelous Thanksgiving! |
1. Individual Reading Time -- Fill out your reading log for today.
--Why you need reliable resources
2. Prepare for Computer Lab -- 223
Order of things to do:
1. Sign up for your famous person after you have found him or her on Biography Reference Center.
2. Take notes on the Biography Reference Center article you found.
3. Find other articles using the encyclopedia and databases from Pioneer Library.
4. Save the URLs and MLA citations into the assignment for Finding Sources on Pioneer (using the Turn In button).
5. Take notes on the best two of those sources.
AFTER you have more than 24 interesting, specific facts about your person's life,
6. Start working on your presentation.
You'll need 24 or more interesting, specific facts,
six or more great illustrations,
three or more MLA citations for the sources you used.
3. Work in the Computer Lab -- 223.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Friday, November 21, 2014
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Go, Cavemen! |
Schedule for Friday
A1 – 8:15 – 9:15
A2 - 9:20 – 10:20
A3 - 10:25 – 11:25
A4 – 11:30 – 12:30
Lunch/Dismissal – 12:30
Buses home – 12:451. Individual Reading Time -- Fill out your reading log for today.
2. Demos of what to do in the lab:
- Edmodo
- Biography Reference Center
- Signing Up for your Famous Person
- Taking Notes
- You need at LEAST 24 specific, interesting facts about your person.
- Going ahead to Pioneer Library
3. Computer Lab
Lab 223 Sign up for famous person if you haven't, complete the Finding Sources on Pioneer Assignment, and begin taking notes.
Lab 223 Sign up for famous person if you haven't, complete the Finding Sources on Pioneer Assignment, and begin taking notes.
If you have taken notes on your Biography Reference Center article, go to the pink instructions to find more sources.

Already taken today: A3
Brady, Tom
Buffett, Warren
Chan, Jackie
Cosby, Bill
Dahl, Roald
Disney, Walt
Freeman, Morgan
Geisel, Theodor
Hale, Shannon
Halvorsen, Gail
Hubble, Edwin
Jackson, Michael
James, LeBron
Kennedy, John F.
Knowles, Beyoncé Giselle
Lincoln, Abraham
Messi, Lionel
Peterson, Adrian
Shakespeare, William
Temple, Shirley
Travers, P.L.
White, Shaun |
Already taken today: A4
Armstrong, Neil
Beckham, David
Bird, Larry
Butcher, Susan
Chan, Jackie
Einstein, Albert
Frank, Anne
Freeman, Morgan
Gates, Bill
Hamm, Mia
Jackman, Hugh
Jackson, Bo
Jackson, Michael
Johnson, Magic
Jordan, Michael
Keller, Helen
Lee, Bruce
Lowry, Lois
Monroe, Marilyn
Payton, Walter
Roberts, Julia
Robinson, Jackie
Ronaldo, Cristiano
Shakespeare, William
Spielberg, Steven
Walsh, Kerri |
Monday, November 17, 2014
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
1. Individual Reading Time -- Fill out your reading log for today.
2. Partner Fluency Practice
Fill out your graph for each time you read.
Demos of what to do in the lab:
- Edmodo
- Biography Reference Center
- Signing Up for your Famous Person
- Taking Notes
- Going ahead to Pioneer Library
If you have taken notes on your Biography Reference Center article, go to the pink instructions to find more sources.

Already taken today: A3
Buffett, Warren
Chan, Jackie
Cosby, Bill
Dahl, Roald
Disney, Walt
Freeman, Morgan
Geisel, Theodor
Hale, Shannon
Halvorsen, Gail
Hubble, Edwin
Jackson, Michael
James, LeBron
Kennedy, John F.
Lincoln, Abraham
Peterson, Adrian
Shakespeare, William
Temple, Shirley
Travers, P.L.
Already taken today: A4
Armstrong, Neil
Beckham, David
Bird, Larry
Butcher, Susan
Frank, Anne
Freeman, Morgan
Gates, Bill
Hamm, Mia
Jackman, Hugh
Jackson, Bo
Jackson, Michael
Johnson, Magic
Jordan, Michael
Keller, Helen
Lee, Bruce
Monroe, Marilyn
Roberts, Julia
Robinson, Jackie
Ronaldo, Cristiano
Shakespeare, William
Spielberg, Steven
Walsh, Kerri
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Monday, November 17, 2014

Pick up your folder, and make sure you have a book for individual reading time.
1. Individual Reading Time
What has Ms. Dorsey been reading?
2. Video: Julian Smith "I'm Readin' a Book"
Don't interrupt others or yourself during Individual Reading Time.
3. Partner Fluency Practice
If you'd like to order Scholastic Books online, and benefit our classroom, go tohttps://orders.scholastic.com/GKLJW to register. Enter Activation Code GKLJW.
4. How you'll sign up for Edmodo -- demo.
5. How you'll sign up for your famous person -- demo.
Famous person ABC Game.
6. What you'll do after you sign up -- demo.
What has Ms. Dorsey been reading?
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If you like The Series of Unfortunate Events, you might like this! |
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This is by the author of the Matched series. It is about a civilization of humans who are living under the ocean. |
2. Video: Julian Smith "I'm Readin' a Book"
Don't interrupt others or yourself during Individual Reading Time.
3. Partner Fluency Practice
Click here for Classroom Rules.
What about emergencies:
In case of an emergency exit --
Look at me.
Go out the front doors of the school -- past the main and counseling offices.
If you'd like to order Scholastic Books online, and benefit our classroom, go tohttps://orders.scholastic.com/GKLJW to register. Enter Activation Code GKLJW.
4. How you'll sign up for Edmodo -- demo.
5. How you'll sign up for your famous person -- demo.
Famous person ABC Game.
6. What you'll do after you sign up -- demo.
Famous people -- naming -- alphabetical game
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
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Mrs. Fugal |
If you were just in Ms. Dorsey's rotation, look for Mrs. Fugal in Room 200.
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Ms. Dorsey |
Find your seat on the seating chart.
1. Individual Reading Time -- Fill out your new reading log for today.
Getting acquainted with our classroom:
- Where do you turn things in?
- Where do we keep our folders?
- Where do we find the materials for fluency practice?
- Where could I find a book or magazine to read?
- Where can I find handouts in case I've been absent?
- What can I find on this blog?
2. Partner Fluency Practice
Each partner gets a page protector and a copy of the poem to read.
Put the poem into the page protector.
Fill out your new graph for each time you read.
3. For what reasons do we read?
It helps me learn.
Practice promotes fluency.
I am interested in the topic or the story.
It helps your eyes.
It helps you get or perform a job.
(Eat carrots!)
It expands your vocabulary.
I read for fun!
I helps your whole life.
It's a good skill to have.
It helps you relax.
I read because someone makes me read!
I saw the movie!
I read text messages.
I read email messages.
I read for school.
I read for navigation.
I read for prizes.
I search for information on the Internet.
I read to figure out what I'm going to read.
I read forms.
I read to be better at my games.
I read to improve comprehension.
I read homework.
I read instruction manuals.
I read to find out when my shows are on.
I read about things that interest me.
Some people read to put people in their place or to give an opinion.
I read food labels.
I read the questions for a test. I read the directions on a test.
Ms. Dorsey reads her bills.
I read recipes and directions on foods.
I read pictures, painting, advertisements, billboards, etc. . .
I could read blueprints.
I read science articles and other articles.
I read books.
I reread things I've written.
I read lyrics, sheet music, notes, etc.
I read price tags.
I read magazines.
I read lists.
I read comic books and graphic novels.
I read blog posts.
I read subtitles.
I read movie posters, reviews.
I read titles.
I read covers.
I read blurbs.
I read time.
It helps with my speech.
My teacher makes me.
My parents make me.
It helps vocabulary.
I read for fun.
I can learn things -- research.
I read from curiosity. I have to find out what happens.
I read for evidence. I want to win an argument.
I want to learn more about an interest.
I want to say that I did.
It was recommended by a friend or someone else.
I read for assignments.
I read so I'm smarter than everyone else.
I saw the movie.
I read to get better at reading.
My sister won't stop bothering me until I read that book.
It has an interesting title.
It give me ideas for my own writing.
The book is popular. Everybody else read it!
It might have an interesting cover.
It might have an interesting summary on the back.
I would read to beat Megan!
I hate spoilers!!!!!!!!
I hate pictures of the characters in the middle instead of on the cover of the book.
I might read for a contest.
I might get a prize.
I might read because the movie was interesting.
It might make me more creative.
I like the author.
I like series.
I might NOT want to read thick books or skinny books.
I like the genre.
I hate disappointment.
I hate/like cliffhangers. I have to read the next book.
I love disappointment, or love surprises.
You want to finish before your friend does.
I need to know what I'm supposed to do.
I want to know HOW to do something.
drawing and other art forms
building, fixing, repairing, making crafts
I might be looking for advice.
I read labels on food.
4. The Famous Person Project
You will learn to use databases and online encyclopedias.
You will learn to check for reliability and usefulness.
You will practice taking notes and using the notes to create an interesting and informative presentation.
4. Picking a famous person for the Famous Person Project
Important Information:
If you are absent, or need more information on what we did in class, come to this blog
With Ms. Dorsey you will focus on reading for research -- especially on the Internet, learning about identifying and using useful and reliable sources.

Edmodo: For this segment of the Reading Class we will also be using Edmodo (open to posting only by the teacher and classmates) where students will complete some assignments and collaborate with the teacher and other students. Parents, your student can give you your own code so you can create an Edmodo parent account.
Passwords: The students will receive a packet with passwords to access from home the databases we use in class, to the Famous Person Project and be worked on at home if you have an Internet connection.
Students should know their login for school computers and should be able to access their gmail accounts from home or school. Creating the Famous Person project on Google Drive works well because it can be easily shared with the teacher.
If you do not have Internet access at home, the student could use computers in our school media center, sometimes (such as during CaveTime) our computer labs are open to students who need extra time, and the Internet is available at the public library.
By the way, we have not been successful at opening ODT files on our school computers. Please use another format.
Friday, November 7, 2014
Hand in your unused hall passes.
Individual Reading
Partner Fluency
Read-a-Thon -- Quietly reading, please. This is NOT a talk-a-thon.
Please cooperate with the substitute.
I am at an English Teachers' Conference today.
Any late work that you need to hand in for this rotation must come in by the end of the school day on November 12.
November 11 will be your job shadowing day.
On November 13 you will go to Mrs. Fugal's class -- room 200.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
1. Begin class with Quiet Individual Reading. Fill out your reading log!
(We will not do fluency practice today.)
2. Prepare to go to Lab 223 to present your Famous Person projects.
3. Receive the paper you will fill out while viewing the presentations.
4. You will have 5-10 minutes to make last minute preparations for your presentation.
5. Set up your presentations.
6. When directed, begin rotating through the presentations, filling out your viewing sheet
for each, and voting for the three best on that sheet.

7. Make sure that you have shared with or emailed your slide show to Ms. Dorsey.
8. When we return to the classroom, hand in your viewing sheet to the top wire basket.
Schedule for your Project -- Rotation 2:
October 3 -- Lab 223 --Select your famous person, finding an article about that person on Biography Reference Center.
October 7 -- Lab 211 -- Find other articles about the same person, using an online encyclopedia and databases.
October 15 -- Lab 223 --Take notes on the articles you have found. BRC notes are due by end of class.
October 22 -- Lab 223 --Finish taking notes on the articles you have found and have them checked off by the teacher. All notes are due by the end of class.
(These will go on your Term 1 Grade.)
October 28 -- Lab 223 --Start creating your project to present information about your famous person.
October 30 -- Lab 223 --Finish your project by the end of class and have it checked off by Ms. Dorsey. -- The due date has been extended to November 3.
November 3 -- Lab 223 --Present your projects in class. -- We have adjusted this date to November 5
November 7: READ-A-THON
November 11: Job Shadowing Day -- You will not be at school.
November 13: Move to Mrs. Fugal's classroom.

We will have a READ-A-THON on November 7. Bring things to read, treats, and a pillow sit on, if you wish.
All late work MUST be handed in by November 12. I will not accept any late work for this class after that. You will move to your new rotation then, with a new teacher.
Monday, November 3, 2014
November 3, 2014
Your PowerPoints are due by the end of class TODAY. Turn them in by sharing or emailing to Ms. D.
You will present your PowerPoints in class next time.
On Friday we will have a Read-a-thon.
November 11 is Job Shadowing Day.
On November 13 you will rotate to Ms. Fugal.
1. Begin class with Quiet Individual Reading. Fill out your reading log!
2. Fluency Partner Practice -- Fill out your graph!
3. Do you have any questions about how to create your PowerPoint?
4. Lab 223 to create PowerPoints
Share your PowerPoint with Ms. Dorsey at
cdorsey@alpinedistrict.org . You may share it on Google Drive
or attach it to an email.
[If you are finished, have edited and shared your PowerPoint, you may play http://freerice. and com/#/english-vocabulary/
Here is a template you could use for your PowerPoint.
It would make it quicker to put together.
Use your notes (the yellow and pink papers) as you make your PowerPoint.
Your PowerPoint is due by the end of class today.
Last time we had a demonstration on how to save your PowerPoint.

Your PowerPoints are due by the end of class TODAY. Turn them in by sharing or emailing to Ms. D.
You will present your PowerPoints in class next time.
On Friday we will have a Read-a-thon.
November 11 is Job Shadowing Day.
On November 13 you will rotate to Ms. Fugal.
1. Begin class with Quiet Individual Reading. Fill out your reading log!
2. Fluency Partner Practice -- Fill out your graph!
3. Do you have any questions about how to create your PowerPoint?
4. Lab 223 to create PowerPoints
Share your PowerPoint with Ms. Dorsey at
cdorsey@alpinedistrict.org . You may share it on Google Drive
or attach it to an email.
[If you are finished, have edited and shared your PowerPoint, you may play http://freerice. and com/#/english-vocabulary/
Here is a template you could use for your PowerPoint.
It would make it quicker to put together.
Use your notes (the yellow and pink papers) as you make your PowerPoint.
Your PowerPoint is due by the end of class today.
You may make it on PowerPoint or on GoogleDocs Presentation.
Last time we had a demonstration on how to save your PowerPoint.
;See your packet for PowerPoint tips!
Make it Easy to read!
You need --
- At least 24 specific, interesting facts
- At least 6 great pictures that add information and understanding about your famous person
- At least three MLA Citations -- These are the citations you saved onto Edmodo when you signed up for your hero (Biography Reference Center) and when you found sources on Pioneer Library). These are the sources you are to use for your PowerPoint.
Schedule for your Project -- Rotation 2:
October 3 -- Lab 223 --Select your famous person, finding an article about that person on Biography Reference Center.
October 3 -- Lab 223 --Select your famous person, finding an article about that person on Biography Reference Center.
October 7 -- Lab 211 -- Find other articles about the same person, using an online encyclopedia and databases.
October 15 -- Lab 223 --Take notes on the articles you have found. BRC notes are due by end of class.
October 22 -- Lab 223 --Finish taking notes on the articles you have found and have them checked off by the teacher. All notes are due by the end of class.
(These will go on your Term 1 Grade.)
October 28 -- Lab 223 --Start creating your project to present information about your famous person.
October 30 -- Lab 223 --Finish your project by the end of class and have it checked off by Ms. Dorsey. -- The due date has been extended to November 3.
November 3 -- Lab 223 --Present your projects in class. -- We have adjusted this date to November 5
November 7: READ-A-THON

We will have a READ-A-THON on November 7. Bring things to read, treats, and a pillow sit on, if you wish.
All late work MUST be handed in by November 12. I will not accept any late work for this class after that. You will move to your new rotation then, with a new teacher.
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