Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Yearbook Signing and J-Dawgs during lunch
All 8 periods in one day

Yearbook Signing

Modified Schedule for May 30th
8:15-9:00                          A1                    (45 Minutes) Pass out Yearbooks
9:05-9:40                          A2                    (35 Minutes)
9:45-10:20                        A3                    (35 Minutes)
10:25-11:00                      A4                    (35 Minutes)
11:00-11:45                      1st lunch           (45 Minutes)
11:50-12:45                      B5                    (55 Minutes)
11:05-12:00                      B5                    (55 Minutes)
12:00-1:25                       2nd Lunch         (45 Minutes)
12:50-1:25                       B6                     (35 Minutes)
1:30-2:05                        B7                      (35 Minutes)
2:10-2:45                        B8                      (35 Minutes)
Please post this list for lunches for Yearbook day.  Lunch is based on B1 class.
Lunch Schedule
1st Lunch                                                            2nd Lunch
Adams                                                            Anstead
Aiman                                                             Bates
Barson                                                            Behm
Bryson                                                            Biddulph
Carter                                                             Cotterell
Clayton                                                            Dean
Crawford                                                         Dibb
Dallon                                                             Dorsey
Earl                                                                Earling
Grow                                                              Eddington                                   
Hadlock                                                            Fugal
Hansen                                                            C Gadd
Lemon                                                            Heng
Major                                                              Karjala
McCleskey                                                     Lyde
Newton                                                            Macfarlane
Ormond                                                            Maucotel
Paulsen                                                            McNeil
Roth                                                                 Memmott
Schow                                                            Moon
Scott                                                                Morrey
Seminary                                                        Olson
W Smith                                                          Packer
Somers                                                            D. Smith
Steed                                                              Starker
Steffes                                                            Underwood
Thornton                                                          Ward
Way                                                                  Wicks
Welch                                                               Wright
Everybody needs to be in Class.

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