1. Individual Reading and fill out your reading log
2. Partner Fluency Practice
3. Computer Lab 211 -- Work on Evaluating and Taking Notes and on creating your PowerPoints
To access Pioneer:

PowerPoints are due by the end of class today.
We will present them next time.
See how your PowerPoints will be graded.
Grading for Famous Person Project
Finish up getting enough notes for your PowerPoints if you haven't.
Finish up your PowerPoint -- due by the end of class TODAY. Hand it in!
If you have extra time and haven't finished your Evaluating and Taking Notes, do that! Hand it in
Our Read-A-Thon will be on November 14. Bring treats if you wish, and perhaps a pillow to sit on, and something you'd love to read!
Review on how to turn in your work.
- Save your work in a place that's easy to find again.
- Sign into Edmodo.
- Upload your assignment with the Attach: File icon.
- Add a comment if desired, and click on Turn In Assignment.
- If you have already turned it in, turn in a new version --
- Save your work in a place that's easy to find again.
- Sign into Edmodo.
- Go to your own Grades.
- Click on the assignment you want to resubmit.
- If it hasn't been graded yet, you can use the "Resubmit" button.
- Find the assignment you've just done (You can click on the assignment link at the left of the page to narrow your choices.)
- Upload your assignment with the Attach: File icon.
- Add a comment if desired, and click on Add Comment button.
- If it has been turned in, use the next comment box below that and use the Attach:File icon and Add Comment.
Turning in PowerPoints:
- You must save them on your thumbdrive or in your student drive.
- Remember to "Save As,"
- and to add your name to the name of the PowerPoint.
- Turn them in using the PowerPoint assignment.
Sample PowerPoint (DO NOT use this one as a template.) Margaret Thatcher 3.ppt
In case you need one of the documents again, here they are:
Who’s Your Hero Suggestions.docx
Hero Search and Select R2.doc
ABCCombined R2Website Evaluations.doc
Famous Person PowerPoint Template.ppt
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