Trick or Treat?!
2. Fluency Partner Practice -- Fill out your graph!
3. Do you have any questions about how to create your PowerPoint?
4. Lab 223 to create PowerPoints
[If you are finished, have edited and shared your PowerPoint, you may play
Here is a template you could use for your PowerPoint.
It would make it quicker to put together.
Use your notes (the yellow and pink papers) as you make your PowerPoint.
Your PowerPoint is due by the end of class today.
You may make it on PowerPoint or on GoogleDocs Presentation.
How to save your PowerPoint
PowerPoint tips!
Easy to read!
- At least 24 specific, interesting facts
- At least 6 great pictures that add information and understanding about your famous person
- At least three MLA Citations
Rotation 2:
October 3 -- Lab 223 --Select your famous person, finding an article about that person on Biography Reference Center.
October 3 -- Lab 223 --Select your famous person, finding an article about that person on Biography Reference Center.
October 7 -- Lab 211 -- Find other articles about the same person, using an online encyclopedia and databases.
October 15 -- Lab 223 --Take notes on the articles you have found. BRC notes are due by end of class.
October 22 -- Lab 223 --Finish taking notes on the articles you have found and have them checked off by the teacher. All notes are due by the end of class.
(These will go on your Term 1 Grade.)
October 28 -- Lab 223 --Start creating your project to present information about your famous person.
October 30 -- Lab 223 --Finish your project by the end of class and have it checked off by Ms. Dorsey. -- The due date has been extended to November 3.
November 3 -- Lab 223 --Present your projects in class. -- We have adjusted this date to November 5
November 7: READ-A-THON

We will have a READ-A-THON on November 7. Bring things to read, treats, and a pillow sit on, if you wish.
All late work MUST be handed in by November 12. I will not accept any late work for this class after that. You will move to your new rotation then, with a new teacher.
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