Wednesday, April 25, 2018

A4 Only Inference Assignment

A4  Only Inference Assignment
This is due April 26 at the beginning of class. 

Let's make some inferences about this picturePick a detail, infer something, and explain why that detail supports your inference. 

We already answered the first question. 
  • What can you infer about the man on the right? What details support your inference? Why?
Your Assignment
1.  What can you infer about the man in the picture on the left? What details support your inference? Why?   

Making inferences is a life skill, not just a reading skill! You make inferences all the time as you meet new people, decide if a movie is going to be good or not, or try to figure out what happened to that thing that you lost. 

Copy each of the following, fill in the blank, 
and explain how you made the inference.

2. A character has a diaper in her hand, spit-up on her shirt, and a bottle warming on the counter. You can infer that this character is a _________________.

3. A character has a briefcase, is taking a ride on an airplane, and is late for a meeting. You can infer that this character is a ____________________.

4. A character uses words like "stat" and "emergency" and "prep" and "operation." You can infer that this person works in the ____________________.

5. A detective enters the house, which has been ransacked. He sees blood on the floor, and it leads out the back door. You can infer that ____________________.
Be careful on this one.

6. When you enter a house, you see backpacks by the door, small shoes scattered near them. You see an art easel, and a room with a doll house and a toy box. You can infer that there are __________________________.

7. Your friend walks past you without smiling. Her head is hanging down. She wipes a tear away from her eye, and looks at her report card. You can infer that your friend _______________________________.

8. You walk into the room and the teacher tells you to clear your desk and get out a piece of paper and a pencil. You can infer that  ______________________.

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