Make sure you have a thumb drive to bring to class each time.
1. Bell-Ringer: Individual Reading Time and Filling out your reading log for today.
2. Introduction to this classroom:
What we'll do this term:
Preview the term assignment -- PowerPoints/WebSite Evaluations
Where we see what we're doing today.
Where we find our folders.
Where we find handouts.
Where we hand in papers.
Where we get back papers.
Where we can check out books.
3. Being aware of our inner voices as we read.
4. Conversational Voice or Waste-of-Time Voice
Students read passages from a biography of Pearl S. Buck, and filled out a Graphic Organizer for Inner Voices.
What you can do to read more actively?
- Talk to the author
- Put your finger (or a pen) on the page
- Use your peripheral vision
- Read in chunks
Next time: Why do we read?
Use this log if you miss class to make-up your missed reading time: Reading Log 7 Make-Up Log
Website evaluations are due March 21.
Your PowerPoints are due March 29.
Strategy handouts with fix-ups
Reading Logs
Reading Minute
Reasons why
Reasons why