Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy Ground Hog Day!   For breaking news, see http://www.groundhog.org/ 

No computer lab today.

Self-Starter:  Individual Reading Time and Fill out reading log.

Fluency Partners

What do you know about the Internet?
      What are your literacies?
       Internet Crossword

Creating a bibliography with bibme.org
Directions for making your Bibliography: Creating Your Bibliography


This is the URL I entered on bibme.org: http://www.trelease-on-reading.com/paulsen.html
I added the sponsor and the date created -- the most recent copyright date.

This is the bibliographic entry that was created: 
Trelease, Jim. "Gary Paulsen-author profile-p.1." Jim Trelease's Home Page. Jim Trelease and Reading Tree Productions, n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2012.

For SIRS DISCOVERER or World Book Online, you don't have to use a bibliography-maker.  The citations are already made for you.  You'll usually find them at the bottom of the page for the article, and often they are marked "MLA." 
The two sources that I found on SIRS DISCOVERER already had bibliographic entries, which I just copied to my Research on the Internet Page.  Here they are:

Gary Paulsen (1939 - )." SIRS Discoverer. Oct. 29 2002: n.p. SIRS Discoverer. Web. 27 Jan 2012.

Bieselin, Robert. "Novelist Gary Paulsen Talks About His Drive to Continue to Write..." The Record (Hackensack, NJ). 08 Apr 2010: n.p. SIRS Discoverer. Web. 27 Jan 2012.

About researching for your celebrity project:

Handouts and Directions for Semester 2 of 2012 

Grading for Celebrity Project

 Research  Example:  Click on the Download tab to get the document.   Research on the Internet Gary Paulsen.doc

Web Evaluations  (See Sample that you made in class.)  

Web Evaluations Due by February 14.

PowerPoints Due February 21.  
See class calendar below for computer days.  

Monday, January 30, 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Computer Lab 201 to work on Research and Web Evaluations for the sites you have chosen to use.

Finish your "Research on the Internet" paper, finding web sites you could use and pasting the URL or other information on the page.
  Open this document:

1.  Research on the Internet Revised(9).doc

Click on the Download Tab to Open this document.

Copy and paste any useful URL's on it.  Save it in your student file and on your thumb drive. 

***** If you have already worked on this, open your copy up from your thumb drive or student folder.

If you get done with this paper today, print it and hand it in to the wire basket. 

2.  When you are done finding plenty of sources, select the ones that look the most helpful.  Open up one web site at a time and fill out a web evaluation for it. 

ABC Website Evaluation Version 3.doc

  • If you are working alone, you need to complete three (3) website evaluations.
  • If you are working with a partner, complete five (5).  
  • Make sure each is for a different site, not just a different page on the same site. 
 Make sure you save each web evaluation under a DIFFERENT name.  Save it on your flashdrive/thumbdrive and in your student folder on our school computers.
  • Don't forget to take notes on the second page for your PowerPoint.  It is best if you put your notes into your own words now.    
  • Check, though, to make sure your information stays accurate. 

If you get done with one or more of these evaluations today, print and hand it in to the top wire basket in our classroom. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Friday, January 27, 2012

Self-Starter:  Individual Reading Time and Fill out reading log.

Fluency Partners

About researching for your celebrity project:

Handouts and Directions for Semester 2 of 2012 

Grading for Celebrity Project

 Research  Example:  

Click on the Download tab to get the document.  

Research on the Internet Gary Paulsen.doc

Web Evaluations  (See Sample) 

Web Evaluations Due by February 14.

What do you know about the Internet?
      What are your literacies?
       Internet Crossword

PowerPoints Due February 21.  
See class calendar below for computer days.  



Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Computer Lab Today in Lab 201. 

I. Take the SRI (Scholastic Reading Inventory)  -- Individually and quietly.

This is a test!

Log-in is 

User Name:  Your student number

Password:  Your student number @AFjr   (The AF is capitalized and the jr is lowercase.)

II.  Finding Sources -- Tutorial

Today we will learn about searching the Internet using an interactive tutorial at  http://www.bbc.co.uk/webwise/course

Leave this page open and look back and forth for directions.

  1. Go to the above web address (URL) and then  
  2. click on START
  3. then click on 06 Searching -- See an illustration of the icon below.  Clicking on the icons here will not work.

Illustrations only. Find these icons on the site
 and click on them there. Clicking on these illustrations will not work.

          Do each guide followed by its quiz
4. then do the Weakest Link quiz,

III. Begin doing research on your celebrity.  Open this document and copy and paste any useful URL's on it.  Save it in your student file and on your thumb drive. 

Research on the Internet Revised(9).doc

Click on the Download Tab to Open this document. 

http://bit.ly/oW0Rqv    Reading Flash Mob

Steps for Celebrity Project.pptx

Handouts and Directions for Semester 2 of 2012 


Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

1. Self-Starter: Individual Reading and fill out reading log.

2. Sign up for a celebrity and complete an attitude survey.

3. Reading Strategy:  Asking Questions  
a. specific questions about the subject
b. critical questions
   Who is the author or sponsor?
    How does the author know about this subject?
   What is the author's purpose?
    Can I depend on this author or sponsor for the truth?

Is this site reliable?
Is this site  useful?

Lesson on Finding/Evaluating  Reliable Sites --  The ABCs of Finding Reliable URLs*
A  Author
B  Bias
C  Coverage
D  Dates
E   Editor

* Uniform Resource Locator or Universal Resource Locator
According to The American Heritage Dictionary,  The term URL is a noun and it is
"an Internet address (for example, http://www.hmco.com/trade/), usually consisting of the access protocol (http), the domain name (www.hmco.com), and optionally the path to a file or resource residing on that server (trade)."

Find the URL in the address bar on your browser.

Address Bar

These are the sample sites we looked at in class. 
Let's try it with a real site or three:  http://www.scbartoletti.com/

We looked at how many people had revised a Wikipedia entry, and at their strange user names!
You may use Wikipedia as a source ONLY if you can verify information from it with two other sources.

4.  Partner Fluency Practice

Next time: Computer Lab to take the SRI (Scholastic Reading Inventory to find your reading level)  and to learn more about doing research.

Computer Lab Calendar for Celebrity Project:

January 25 (to give SRI)  and instruction about using the web
January 31    Web Research with instruction   --  
         Research on the Internet papers are due by the end of the period.

February 8     Web Research  with instruction
February 14   Web Research  with instruction
       (All website evaluations are due -- 3 for an individual, 5 for a pair.)
February 16   Bibliographic entries (bibme)  are due by the end of class.
                      Completing Web Research (if yours are late) and working on PowerPoints 
February 21   Completing PowerPoints
         (PowerPoints should be ready to be graded by the end of the period.)
February 23   PowerPoint Presentations

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

1. Self-Starter:
a. Individual Reading
b. As you finish, fill out your reading log.
c. Hand in Disclosure signatures if you brought them back.

[More fluency testing]

2.  Interest Inventories and Pre-Assessment.

3. About the Celebrity Webquest:  Selecting a celebrity

Handouts and Directions for Semester 2 of 2012 

4. Is Seeing Believing?  


5. If time, fluency partner practice. 


Looking for Celebrities:



Monday, January 16, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012 Agenda

Self-Starter: Individual Reading
Reading Logs

2. Roll and seating and Cave Time Slips

3. Disclosure Document
Take the quiz on the disclosure document.

4. About the Celebrity Webquest

Handouts and Directions for Semester 2 of 2012

5. Interest Inventories and Pre-Assessment

Reliabiltiy: Reliability

Finding Celebrities:

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Welcome to My New Reading 7 Students!

Click on this link for a list of Needed Supplies

Your Reading 7 class will rotate through three teachers. You will have each teacher for about six weeks.  Students will move from Ms. Dorsey's class to Mrs. Fugal's, and from Mrs. Fugal's to Ms. Gadd's.

Applying Reading Strategies to Computer Literacy, Research, and Presentation

You will be graded on
Participation                             100 points
Website Evaluations                  60 points
Celebrity PowerPoint Presentation 
78 points
View and Evaluate Other Presentations
20 points
Reading Log (reading during individual reading time, then filling out the log)
Points available vary depending on how many times we have individual reading time.
In case you are absent, pick up the pink make-up form.
Partner Fluency Practice Log
Points available vary depending on how many times we have fluency practice.
Various other daily assignments

Completing end-of-semester assessments and surveys 

Term Project Due Dates:
Your web evaluations will all be due by ______________ .
You Celebrity PowerPoint is due by the end of class on _________ and will be presented on _______________.



Illustration #1

Illustration #2 

Here is a video showing some things that have been done, and what you could do digitally now:

Ouida Sebestyen  -- How reliable would each of these sources be?

  1.    http://comminfo.rutgers.edu/professional-development/childlit/sebestyen.html
  2. http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/164547.Ouida_Sebestyen
  3. http://www.lib.usm.edu/~degrum/html/research/findaids/sebestye.htm
  4. http://www.jacketflap.com/persondetail.asp?person=119492
  5. http://www.amazon.com/Words-Heart-Ouida-Sebestyen/dp/044041346X   
  7. Read this customer review from the Amazon link above.


    (or, if that doesn't work: Customer Review from Amazon.com





Read about Lewis and Clark.  Can you believe it?

Oct. 12 -- checking reliability with our web site evalutations

Nov. 17 post: Thursday, November 17 -- searching in the computer lab.

Finding Sources -- Tutorial

-- learn about searching the Internet using an interactive tutorial at  http://www.bbc.co.uk/webwise/course

Basic Surfing -- of the Internet Kind

When you are working on the Internet, follow these rules:

1. Be wise and safe.

2. Be honest. 

3. Check your sources.
       Are they relevant?
       Are they reliable?

November 21, 2011


What is a URL?
It is another name for the address of a website.
* Uniform Resource Locator or Universal Resource Locator
According to The American Heritage Dictionary,  The term URL is a noun and it is
"an Internet address (for example, http://www.hmco.com/trade/), usually consisting of the access protocol (http), the domain name (www.hmco.com), and optionally the path to a file or resource residing on that server (trade)."

Find the URL in the address bar on your browser.

Address Bar

Handouts and Directions for Semester 2 of 2012

The Celebrity Webquest Project

This is what the grading sheet looks like that Ms. Dorsey and Mrs. Sparks will use when grading your PowerPoint presentations:  Grading for Celebrity Project

Research on the Internet Revised(9).doc

 Research  Example: 

Research on the Internet Gary Paulsen.doc

ABC Website Evaluation Version 3.doc

Celebrity PowerPoint Template.ppt   

Directions for making your Bibliography: Creating Your Bibliography
Here is a sample PowerPoint:  emma watson example.ppt  

Reminder of what should be on the PowerPoint:
  1. cover slide with photo of the famous person, that person's name, your name(s), and period
  2. information slide with a heading, a photo or other illustration, 4 bullets of information: Life Before Fame
  3. information slide with a heading, a photo or other illustration, 4 bullets of information: How He/She Became Famous
  4. information slide with a heading, a photo or other illustration, 4 bullets of information: Major Accomplishments
  5. information slide with a heading, a photo or other illustration, 4 bullets of information: Personal Life
  6. information slide with a heading, a photo or other illustration, 4 bullets of information: Other Interesting Information
  7. bibliography slide with a heading and 3 or 5 citations created using bibme  
You may add up to three extra slides.

Make It Your Own
The information for the bullets on your slides should be in your own words.  Read about your celebrity from several sources, then synthesize what you have read by putting the information into your own words.  

Edit Your Work
Don't forget to edit for capitalization, spelling, punctuation, and other conventions.  Did you know that the titles of books and movies are capitalized (all the important words) and italicized?

View this PowerPoint:  Steps for Celebrity Project.pptx

Or just read through the steps listed here:
Order for Doing the Celebrity Web Assignment:
1. Select a celebrity and optional partner.
2.  Use various search engines to find possible sites to use for research. (five for individual and eight for partners)
3a Select sites to evaluate.  Fill out  website evaluation forms for three if you are working alone, or for five as partners. 
3b.  As you complete the website evaluations, also take notes on each site -- finding information you can use when you put together your PowerPoint.
3c. Make sure you prepare a bibliography entry for each source you will use.  
(You should have all website evaluations completed, printed, and checked off by Ms. Dorsey by .)
4.  After you have completed your three or five website evaluations, begin working on your PowerPoint. 
5.  Complete the PowerPoint by . 

Computer Lab Calendar for Celebrity Project

January 25 (to give SRI)  and instruction about using the web
January 31    Web Research with instruction   -- Research on the Internet papers are due by the end of the period.

February 8     Web Research  with instruction
February 14   Web Research  with instruction (All website evaluations are due -- 3 for an individual, 5 for a pair.)
February 16   Bibliographic entries (bibme)  are due by the end of class.
                      Completing Web Research (if yours are late) and working on PowerPoints 

February 21   Completing PowerPoints (PowerPoints should be ready to be graded by the end of the period.)
February 23   PowerPoint Presentations

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Welcome and Needed Supplies



Friday, January 13, 2012

Quote about Reading

"After all, reading is arguably a far more creative and imaginative process than writing; when the reader creates emotion in their head, or the colors of the sky during the setting sun, or the smell of a warm summer's breeze on their face, they should reserve as much praise for themselves as they do for the writer - perhaps more."
-Jasper Fforde

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Last day of Term 2.


Bring a book!
If you'd like to, bring treats.
Also, if you'd like, bring a pillow to sit on.

If you didn't hand in the end-of-rotation survey last time, please complete one and hand it in. 

Flash mob for reading!

Originally published 1-5-12

Monday, January 9, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Prepare to go to Computer Lab 201 for the SRI test.   Take this seriously and do your very best.
Bring a book to read.

  • SRI -- Take the Computer Reading Test
  • Take an individual Fluency Test either this time or next.
  • Fill out the Attitude Survey

Don't forget the Read-a-thon next time.
Remember to bring reading material, a pillow to sit on or lie on if desires, and treats if you wish.  

Originally posted 1/5/12

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Friday, January 6, 2012

Present Power-Points!

Last day to hand in late web evaluations.

Next Thursday we'll hold a

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Computer Lab 201:  Finish your PowerPoints.  We will present them next time.  
If you are done, have Mrs. Sparks check it over as she has time.

Links of interest:
Web Evaluation Sheet  ABC Website Evaluation 2.doc 

Here is the first paper we did on the Internet, using search engines and databases to find possibly useful websites:  Research on the Internet Revised.doc.  

Below is a template you could use for your celebrity powerpoint:
Celebrity PowerPoint Template.ppt   

It makes your job a lot easier!

Directions for making your Bibliography: Creating Your Bibliography

Here is a sample PowerPoint:  emma watson example.ppt  

Reminder of what should be on the PowerPoint:

  1. cover slide with photo of the famous person, that person's name, your name(s), and period
  2. information slide with a heading, a photo or other illustration, 4 bullets of information: Life Before Fame
  3. information slide with a heading, a photo or other illustration, 4 bullets of information: How He/She Became Famous
  4. information slide with a heading, a photo or other illustration, 4 bullets of information: Major Accomplishments
  5. information slide with a heading, a photo or other illustration, 4 bullets of information: Personal Life
  6. information slide with a heading, a photo or other illustration, 4 bullets of information: Other Interesting Information
  7. bibliography slide with a heading and 3 or 5 citations created using bibme  
You may add up to three extra slides.

Important Reminder:  
Students will finish their PowerPoints on January 4 and present them on January 6.
If you don't think you will be ready, work on yours at home. 

If you have extra time, you may play games at 


Do not go to other sites or programs without asking the substitute or Mrs. Sparks.