Monday, January 6, 2014

Cyberbullying Quiz

Are you a cyberbully?
Often, people who are victims are also bullies. Before you feel too bad for yourself, take the quiz below to find if you, too, are part of the cyberbullying problem! Rate yourself on the following point scale according to if, and how many times, you have done the below activities. Give yourself 0 points if you’ve never done it, 1 point if you have done it 1 or 2 times, 2 points if you have done it 3-5 times, 3 points if you have done it more than 5 times.

Have you ever...

  1. ___Signed on with someone else’s screen name to gather info?
  2. ___Sent an e-mail or text or online greeting card from someone’s account?
  3. ___Impersonated someone over IM or texting or online or. . . . ?
  4. ___Teased or frightened someone over the Internet (IM, texting, comments, etc.)?
  5. ___Not told someone who you really are online, telling them to “guess”?
  6. ___Forwarded a private IM conversation or e-mail  or text without the permission of the other person?
  7. ___Changed your profile or away message designed to embarrass or frighten someone?
  8. ___Posted pictures or information about someone on a Web site or other online places or by sending photos through your phone  without their consent?
  9. ___Created an Internet poll, either over IM or on a Web site, about someone without their consent?
  10. ___Used information found online to follow, tease, embarrass or harass someone in person?
  11. ___Sent rude or scary things to someone, even if you were just joking?
  12. ___Used bad language online?
  13. ___Signed someone else up for something online without their permission?
  14. ___Used an IM or e-mail address that looked like someone else’s?
  15. ___Used someone else’s password for any reason without their permission?
  16. ___Hacked into someone else’s computer or sent a virus or Trojan horse to them?
  17. ___Insulted someone in an interactive game room?
  18. ___Posted rude things or lies about someone online?
  19. ___Voted at an online bashing poll or posted to a guestbook or in a comment saying rude or mean things?

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