Thursday, November 1, 2012

Turning in an Assignment on Edmodo


To turn in a document or PowerPoint, follow these steps:
1)   Save the document to your thumb drive, to your student drive (in labs 201 or 211), or to the desktop.  The desktop is only temporary and will be erased when you log out.  
a.    Use “Save As” so you can see where the document is going.
2)   Log into Edmodo if you haven’t already.  Your user name should be your lastnamefirstname and your password should be your student number.   

3)   Find the assignment on Edmodo.  In this case it is called Practice Assignment for Edmodo. 

4)    Click the “Turn in” button located next to the due date to submit the assignment.

5)    Attach the work and provide a comment/message with it if necessary.  (Attach and File) 

6)    Click on “Turn in Assignment.” Watch to make sure that your document title and an image of it appear.  

Note: If you need to resubmit an assignment, you can do so if your teacher allows this. Once your teacher has graded the assignment, you are unable to use the  “resubmit” button.  However, you may revise or finish it and submit it again with a comment, again using Attach and File.
            Just find that assignment again, click on “Graded” to open it, and attach your file to a comment (Attach: “File”)   and click on “Add Comment.”

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April 17, 2013

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