Announcements and Reminders:
If you have it, hand it in to your class top wire basket.
Pick up your folder from the black crate, and take out or find a book to read.
Parent Teacher Conference will be this Thursday, September 13, 3:30 to 5:30 pm. See the red link for more details.
Class Code - GKLJW
Scholastic Book Orders
Order Due Date - 09/14/18
Targets for Today:
I can read a variety of materials for an extended period of time.
I can improve my reading fluently. I can better understand what fake news is and how to avoid it. I can use metacognition to increase my effectiveness as I read and study. I know strategies I can use to improve my reading comprehension. |
Today’s Agenda:
1. Quiet Individual Reading Time
Select a book to read and read quietly for about 20 minutes.
(Ms. Dorsey will continue administering the San Diego Quick Test of reading skills to students -- one at a time.)
Fill out your reading log.
3. A4 will take the CRAAP Test Test 1. All will
4. More BICUM (Be in Control, Use Metacognition.)
Your Brochure: Inside
This is what you have so far on the inside.
Alignment? (This goes with visualizing, but is a bit different.) What was your alignment as you read your book at the beginning of class? Is it like watching a movie or a TV show? Is it as if you are the main character? Is it as if you are standing next to the main character? Are you somewhere else in the scene? Are you seeing the action from above? Talking with the Author or Text (example: article about school uniforms) What would you say if you could speak directly to the author? |
If You Were Absent:
See above. You can find the reading and fluency make-up work in the classroom, or print your own.
Current/ Currency: Is it up to date?
Relevant/Relevancy: Is it really what you need or want? Authority: (the power or right to do something) -- Who wrote or published it? Accuracy: (the power or state of being correct or right) -- Is it correct/ true? Can you verify this information? Purpose: (why something is being done) -- Why is this being published? |
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