Announcements and Reminders:
BICUM Brochure
Extra credit opportunity: Use the
Peg System for Memorizing The Bill of Rights
You can earn 2 points for each amendment.
Be able to recite them in order and briefly explain what each means-- using the peg system.
See other opportunities for extra credit under the Extra Credit Tab above. Remember that you must have your major assignments turned in before extra credit will count. |
Targets for Today:
I know strategies I can use to comprehend (understand) what I read, and to remember it. I am computer/internet savvy! |
Today’s Agenda:
1. Pick up your folder, please.
2. Individual Reading. Fill out your reading log. Take home any make-up work in your folder (pink).
3. Partner Fluency Practice
4. Inference Practice!
5. Practice BEFORE and DURING READING strategies.
You are practicing reading strategies so you can use them on your own! Practice Strategies to Use Before and During Reading
(with Gale Database on Lewis and Clark)
See your brochure for BEFORE READING to get ready.
Do the SELF check and PREVIEW.
Before Reading
Complete a SELF Check Study Area Emotions Level of Difficulty Feeling physically Preview 1. Read the title. Ask:What do I know about this subject? 2. Read the first couple of sentences and the last couple of sentences. 3. Look for bold or italicized print. 4. Look at charts, maps, graphs, diagrams. 5. Select or Create Questions 6. Set Study Length (How far will you read before you check your own inner voice and understanding? 7. Place check marks ![]() Practice with Resources: Pioneer Online Library Log-in with user name and password if at home. Gale Research in Context Grades 6-8 Search "Lewis and Clark Expedition" Select the article titled "Meriwether Lewis and William Clark" from UXL Biographies. 2003. |
6. Add to your BICUM Brochure -- Inside Right Section: Add this today!
(Added earlier)
Before Reading
Complete a
Self Check
Study Area Emotions Level of
Feeling physically Preview 1. Read the title. Ask: What do I know about this subject? 2. Read the first couple of sentences and the last couple of sentences. 3. Look for bold or italicized print. 4. Look at charts, maps, graphs, diagrams.
5. Ask yourself:
"Is this a useful and reliable source?"
6. Select or Create Questions 7. Set Study Length 8. Place check marks |
(Added last time)
During Reading
Be Active
Check your alignment. "Talk" with the author or text. Visualize Predict 1) predict 2) read 3) check 4) compliment or correct Pace yourself with a pencil. Make Connections! Text to Self Text to Text Text to World |
(Add this today!)
After Reading -- #1 REDUCE Post View Ask yourself -- *What did I learn from reading this? *What patterns/overall structure did I notice? *What was the overall central idea? *Do I understand it all? If not, use fix-up strategies. Answer Questions Organize for Recall (Select 1) -- make outlines -- take notes -- write summaries -- create maps |
If You Were Absent:
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