Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Announcements and Reminders for Wednesday, December 5, 2018:
Pick up your folders.  Be ready to begin reading before or at the bell.
Who wasn't here when we did the First Ten President field trip?   

December 3 --   RI = Reading Inventory and Practice using Metacognition online  -- Why not Wikipedia? 
December 5 --  During Reading -- fix-up strategies  -- After Reading -- Retain -- Rehearse first ten Presidents, Bill of Rights, and, if time,  CRAAP.
December 7 --  After Reading and  --  Practice using Metacognition  with an article
December 11 -- Strategy review
December 13 --  
Final Test --  Turn in BICUM Brochure
December 17 --
Readathon and Test make-up, if needed
              Bring treats, if you wish, to the Readathon.    

December 17

Read-a-thon!  Bring treats, pillow to sit on, 

blanket,  if you wish.

 Make a note for yourself to bring treats!
Remember to be studying the words and meanings for the CRAAP Test,  the topics of the Bill of Rights, and the First Ten Presidents of the United States.                     

Targets for Today:
  I can read for enjoyment.
  I can read fluently.
 I know strategies to use after reading to retain (remember) the information. 

Today’s  Agenda Wednesday, December 5, 2018:

Pick up your folders. 
Who wasn't here when we did the First Ten President field trip? 

1. Individual reading. 
How is your STUDY AREA for reading now? 
How are you feeling EMOTIONALLY? 
What is the LEVEL of Difficulty of the book or other text you're reading?
How are you FEELING physically?

Fill out your reading log. 


The House with a Clock in Its Walls, pp. 160-18020

 If you're absent, or were off-task during reading time, or didn't fill out your log, pick up a pink make-up sheet and do the homework.

2. Partner Fluency Practice.  
     Participate appropriately as both reader and listener. 
     Fill out your fluency graph for each time you read.
Today we are using " ."


Words Per Minute
125 (your own WPM)
135   (your own WPM)

Don't neglect to fill out your graph. Your passage number is in the upper right corner of the page.

3.  Check and finish up Wikipedia Exercise.   Wikipedia Tutorial

4.  Fix- Up Strategies

 Your Brochure: Outside  A4    Copy the middle. 

 Using Reading Strategies to read directions.  
Fix-Up Strategies  
If you don't get it at first use these fix-up strategies:

  1. Check your own inner voice.

       Are you paying attention to the text, thinking about it, or are you thinking about something else?  If you are not focused on the text, FOCUS.
  2. If you didn't get it the first time, focus on it, and read it again.

  3. If you still don't get it, try reading it out loud.

  4. If you still don't get it, try reading ahead a bit.

     The next sentence or so may help you understand what you just read. 
  5. If you still don't understand, look for any words that may be getting in your way.

     Are there terms you don't understand?   
    1. Is there something in the context that gives you a clue about what they mean?  
    2. Can you look them up? 
    3. Could you ask someone who would know what they mean?  
  6. If you've really tried all of these strategies, and you still don't understand, ask someone who can help you.

If time --  Practice Presidents -- Make sure you have all the information!  If time, Practice Bill of Rights.

If You Were Absent:

Complete the reading make-up.
Fill out your brochure if needed. 


 Help and Enrichment 

Our Mini-Field-Trip: 
  1. George Washington   (Counseling office -- picture the counselors washing a ton of clothes)
  2. John Adams       (Financial office -- picture Mrs. Cleveland adding up money -- she add'ems)
  3. Thomas Jefferson    (Attendance office -- A man named Jeff is picking up his son.)
  4. James Madison    (Main office -- A man is  mad at his son because the son was sent to the office.)
  5. James Monroe  (Commons area -- a mon/man is rowing a rowboat across the commons.)
  6. John Q. Adams  (Math wing --  Your math teacher add'ems up the numbers.)
  7. Andrew Jackson   (Doors out of the math wing -- You are playing jacks with Jack's son.)
  8. Martin VanBuren   (The windows of the principal's office -- You turn around and see a suspicious van in the parking lot.)
  9. William H. Harrison  (The caveman mural -- A caveman would have a hairy son.)
  10. John Tyler  (Near Mr. Moon's and Mr. Houle's classrooms --They sometimes wear ties.)  

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