a. Go to http://kidshealth.org/kid/feeling/school/plagiarism.html#
b. Listen to and read along
with the information about plagiarism.
c. Answer these questions:
1. What is the
definition of plagiarism? Plagiarism is when you _use_ someone else's __words__ or _ideas___and
pass them off as __your___ __own__.
2. What was the
original Latin meaning of the word that became "plagiarism"? _kidnapping____
3. Even if you put the information into your _own_
__words__, you still should
__list_ the ___source___.
4. Ask yourself, "Would I know this if ___hadn’t read it _____
on that ___website_____ or in that
___book____?" If the answer is _no____, __list___ the source.
5. It's important for kids to be able to
a. ________research a subject___,
b. ______think
about it,_________, and then
c. _____come up with something
interesting to say_____. [This is
called synthesis.)
6. Ask yourself, "___Am I using this to avoid doing
my own work? Is it easier just to copy this?"
If the answer is ____yes____, beware. You just might
be ____plagiarizing_______.
7. Most schools are pretty strict about plagiarism. If you're
caught, you can wind up suspended or worse. At the very least, you're probably
going to ___fail___the ______assignment________.
8. What do we call a
list of the sources used for a project or report? ____ a
bibliography _______.
Total: ____/24
Mark each of the following with a P for plagiarism or an S for
________P_____1. After it was published, The Outsiders gave Ms. Hinton a
lot of fame and publicity, and also gave her a lot of pressure. She was
becoming known as "The Voice of the Youth."
student did not list her sources.]
_______S______ 2. After The
Outsiders became so popular, and she became so famous, for three years she
suffered from writers block and depression.
Finally her boyfriend, who later
became her husband, convinced her to write two pages a day, and that got her
started again. [The student also added to the report a bibliography
entry for this site.]
_______S______ 3. On her
own website, S.E. Hinton explains that “A writer's life is not
very exciting - usually you're alone in a room with your tools - paper, pen,
imagination. (I usually write long-hand first, then put it on a computer.)”
_______P______ 4. That Was Then, This Is
Now is known to be a much more well thought out book
than The Outsiders. Because she read a lot of great literature and wanted to
better herself, she made sure that she wrote each sentence exactly right. [The student did not list
her sources.]
_______S_____ 5. S.E. Hinton had always enjoyed reading, but
she wasn’t happy with the literature that was available at that time to young
adults (Lowry 1).
Lewis and Clark – Important Information for Your U.S. History
Class Next Year
Go to
Use this link to fill out this side of the page.
According to this Internet site,
when were Lewis and Clark born?
___August 1, 1773__
Where were they born?
_____neighboring counties in Virginia ___________________
What magazine did they both
subscribe to? ____National Geographic Magazine__
Start listing the things that make
you think that maybe there’s something wrong with this site.
Find as many clues as you can that
there’s something fishy about this site – fill in ten here:
Examples: There was no Congressional
Human Resources Director at that time.
The report of the Corps of
Discovery was much longer than what is shown here.
_ They probably weren't born simultaneously.______
___They probably didn't have yard gnomes._____
__They lived in the exploratory period._
__There were no color photographs or glossy publications.__
_ There was no Craig’s List._
_ Euro's did not exist.__
_ You couldn't ship a tract of land.__
__ Sam Walton was not alive.__
9. ___Oprah Winfrey was not alive.___
___There was no television._
- This was not the way that Jefferson hired them.
- There were no automobiles
- There was no country music as we know it.
- There was not recording.
- Lewis and Clark were not fired.
- The did not start a band.
How does this site do on the CRAAP Test?
Current? (See the copyright date.) _© 2006–2016 All About Explorers. All rights reserved._
Relevance? (If you were doing research on Lewis and Clark, would
this site be helpful? Why?)
___Not really._______ The facts are too jumbled up and too many are false.________
Authority? (Who
wrote this? Are they experts?)
To find out who wrote this see the “About” tab, then “All About the Authors.” You will need to go down two layers to
find the real information about them.
Who wrote this? ___Gerald Aungst, M.Ed., and Lauren Zucker, M.Ed._
Are they experts? ___Not on Lewis and Clark._____ If not, why not?
__no history degrees?
What are they experts in?
___education, library science, web design____
Accuracy? (Could you verify
– or disprove-- this information with other sources? )__Yes.
Where would you look?
____in a reliable source _____
Purpose? (Why did the
authors post this information?) See the “About” tab, “About This Site.” Read
the first paragraph. _______All About Explorers was developed by a group of teachers as a means of teaching students about the Internet. Although the Internet can be a tremendous resource for gathering information about a topic, we found that students often did not have the skills to discern useful information from worthless data.____
Go to
Go to
1. Who sent Lewis and Clark on their expedition?
____Thomas Jefferson__________
2. What was he expecting them to find? a water route to the Pacific, woolly mammoths, erupting volcanoes, and a mountain of pure salt awaited them.
3. What did they find? some 300 species unknown to science, nearly 50 Indian tribes, and the Rockies.
4. When did they begin their journey? _May__ 21,
5. How long was their keelboat? ______55 ft.___or 17 meters__________________
6. They also had two smaller boats called __pirogues___.
7. Where did Clark spend most of his time? ____on the boat___________________
8. Where did Lewis spend most of his time? ____on land, exploring the shores_____
9. Where did they camp whenever possible? ___on river islands_____
10. How far did they go without meeting an Indian?
__600____ miles
Click on the number 2 near
the top of the post.
11. What was the name of the powerful tribe they were worried
about? _Sioux__
12. Which member of their corps died?
__Sergeant Charles Floyd_______
13. Name two types of animals they were seeing by the end of
____elk, deer, buffalo, and beaver____
Click on the number 3 near the top of the post.
14. In September they almost had a battle (it would have been a
slaughter of the corps) with which Indian tribe? ____Teton__________
Click on the number 4 near the top of the post.
15. Look at the map for the name of the fort they built to
stay at for the winter.
__Fort Mandan___
16. What is the deer-like animal that is shown under the map?__pronghorn antelope__
Now, go to http://www.nationalgeographic.com/west/
Click on Go Onward! Type your name in.
Follow the journey, make the choices.
Continue until you reach Mission
Page 2 of
Lewis and Clark -- Trustworthy, Useful Sources

Log in
using the username and password you are given (if you are not at school. If you are at school, you do not need them.
Meriwether Lewis
down to the video:
History: Lewis and Clark Chart New Territory
Watch it. $
you watch the video, go back to the results of your search, and
scrolling down to
Find the answers to these questions in
17. Who was this document written to? ____Meriwether Lewis______
18. Who wrote it? ______Thomas Jefferson________
19. What countries were told about the expedition before it began?
(paragraph 4)
______France_______ and ___Spain____ and __Great Britain____
20. When this was written, who does Louisiana belong to?
(paragraph 4)
21. The object of this mission is to explore the
__Missouri River_____ (paragraph 5)
22. He is directed to treat the Native Americans in a
___friendly_____ and __conciliatory ____ manner. (paragraph 13)
23. When were these instructions written? (See the end of the
document.) ___20th day of June 1803____
in World Book Online : Lewis and Clark --
Important Information for Your U.S. History Class Next Year
Go to
afjh.alpineschools.org, Resources, World Book Online
(If you are not at school when you are doing this, the user ID is
“alpinedistrict” and the password is “student.”)
Select “Student.”
Search for Lewis and Clark.
Select the article “Clark,
1. When was William Clark born? (5th paragraph)
___Aug. 1, 1770________
Go back to Search Results.
Select “Lewis, Meriwether.”
2. When was Meriwether Lewis born? See the last paragraph of the article. __ Aug. 18, 1774___
Go back to Search Results.
Select Lewis and Clark Expedition.
Scroll down to “Planning the Expedition.”
Find these answers in the third paragraph.
3. Who chose Meriwether Lewis to lead the expedition? ____ Thomas Jefferson_______
4. Who
selected William Clark? ____Meriwether Lewis______
Toward the
end of the article, you will find a subheading “Results of the Expedition.”
What was the most important result of the Lewis and Clark expedition?
The most important result of the Lewis and Clark expedition was that it enabled the United States to claim the Oregon region.
How many new types of plants did they find?
___180 plants __
7. How many new species of animals did they
find? _____125 animals_________
Scroll to the
bottom of the article.
8. Who is the author (also
called Contributor) of this article? _____Gary E. Moulton, Ph.D.____
What makes him an expert (gives him AUTHORITY) to write this article? ___
- Thomas C. Sorensen Professor Emeritus of History, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.____
Return to the
top of the article, and select the tab for Related Information.
Click on the website
for Lewis and
Clark National Historic Trail.
Click on “Learn about the Park” – in the
left margin of the page.
Click on “Photos and Multimedia.”
Click on the first photo to enlarge it,
and use the arrows to look through all twelve photos of sites along the Lewis
and Clark Trail.
10. Which
of these places would you most like to visit? ______answers vary____________
Why? ______answers vary____
Look on the
right side of the page for Featured Videos.
Select the
video for “Valley of the Kings in Egypt.”
Watch it to
learn more information related to your study of King Tut in How They Croaked!
12. What else is the Valley of the Kings called? _____Valley of the Tombs of the Kings_____
I. View this
tutorial: http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/tutorials/wikipedia/
Fill in the blanks
for the following cloze exercise.
“Wikipedia: Beneath the Surface”
What is a wiki? How
does the information get into Wikipedia? Find out what goes on behind the
A wiki is a special kind of (1) __website___ that allows many people to (2)
__contribute_____ to the (3) ___content______.
The word “wiki” means (4)_____quick______.
Wikis help people (5) ___collaborate_________ (6) ___online____.
Wikipedia allows (7) _____anyone_______ in the world to
(8) ___create_____
an (9)____account______.
(10) __sign in______,
and then
(11) ______contribute______
to the information on a topic.
A good page on Wikipedia will
include references to (3 words)
(12-14) ____other _______ ______information_________ ____sources_________
so readers know where the (15) _____knowledge_____
is coming from.
Wikipedia’s guidelines emphasize
that all content should present a (16) _____neutral____ point of view. (This falls under the Purpose part of the CRAAP test.)
On Wikipedia, the content can (17) _____evolve______ over (18) _____time______.
You can often find lively debate
about the content under the (19) _____discussion________ tab.
Under the (20)____history_________
tab you can see every change that has make on a Wikipedia page, and some
indication of who made it.
One of the controversial aspects of
Wikipedia is that it’s (21)_____impossible_______ to tell anything about the (22)
_____authors _________.
Unlike Wikipedia, books, journals,
magazines, newspapers have gone through process that assure the (23) ___quality_________ and (24)_____accuracy________
of the information.
Wikipedia articles may contain (25)
____false_______ or (26) _____debatable________ information.
Wikipedia is a (27)_______jumping
off __________ point into other sources like books, articles, newspapers, and
Use it for (28)___background________
information, but dig (29)_____deeper_______ and search (30) ____wider_______,
(31) What is good about Wikipedia? ______answers vary____________
II. Select a subject to look up on Wikipedia.
may use one of these, or clear with the teacher another topic you’d like to
learn about.
Timpanogos Cave National Monument
American Fork, Utah
American Fork High School
Your favorite sports team
or have another on cleared with me
American Fork High School
Your favorite sports team
or have another on cleared with me
Go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
or search for “Wikipedia Main Page.”
Search for your topic on Wikipedia.
Find and click on the “View history” tab:
to "oldest." It looks like
this on your page:
Click on this: é
4. Check
out five different contributors on that article. What can you find out
about them?
User Name or IP Address
What else does this tell about this author?
Can you tell is the author is an expert?
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