and Reminders:
If you didn't yet hand in the strategies preassessment and the interest inventory, finish those and hand them in to the top wire basket.
If you didn't finish and hand in the computer/internet use paper (blue), finish it and hand it in.
Also hand in your notes on the CRAAP presentation. If you received a poor score, add to it and hand it in again. Use this link if needed: Mrs. Jones -- Finding Trustworthy Sources.
Targets for
Today’s Agenda:
1. Individual Reading Time and fill out your reading log. Be in your seats READING by the time the bell rings. 2. Partner Fluency -- still using Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout. Fill out your graph. 3. Work on your computer/internet packet using the ChromeBooks. You will use the ChromeBook that matches your folder number. NOTE: The pages for your Internet/Computer packet are attached to the assignments on Skyward, in case you need to reprint any of them.
On the RESEARCH: Lewis and Clark page -- http://allaboutexplorers.com/explorers/lewis-clark/ For the clues you list, these would NOT be counted:
You already have a couple of examples of what would be counted. Notice people and things that would not have existed then. What else sounds crazy?
Go on to the next page using the numbers ABOVE the map as directed in your instructions. *************************************
On Pioneer Online Library (Now called Utah's Online Library)
At home, use the username and password provided.
At school you will not need to log in.)
Bring headphones/earbuds for listening to this:
If You Were
See above.
Pick up a computer/internet packet or print the pages from here:
When you come back to class, find the computer use paper in the handout file, and fill one out. Hand it in. |
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