Announcements and Reminders for Monday, October 29, 2018:
These are the Halloween Pumpkins we carved Friday night
while watching Spirited Away.
I grew them in my garden, my daughters carved them, and two of my grandsons love them!
October 29 More about Strategies to Retain -- flashcards, etc. Review (if time, more patterns)
October 31
November 2 Readathon
Targets for Today:
I can read a variety of materials for a sustained time.
I can read fluently with speed and accuracy.
I can reduce information to the essential to learn.
Today’s Agenda for Monday, October 29, 2018:
1. Individual reading.
Fill out your reading log.
If you're absent, or were off-task during reading time, or didn't fill out your log, pick up a pink make-up sheet and do the homework.
2. Finish your map for the article from last time. Halloween Customs
3. Partner Fluency Practice.
Participate appropriately as both reader and listener.
Fill out your fluency graph for each time you read.
4. Reduce and Retain
Inside, right --
Here is the middle column from the outside:
Continued from
6. Ask someone who
can help you. -- or mark it
with a ? for later.
7. Add to your background knowledge! You can do this before reading or during reading.
Retain: Bill of Rights You should have your page with illustration for the peg system for the Bill of Rights. Scroll down to see an example. Create Flashcards -- 5 for the 5 you think are most difficult to remember Flashcards -- study together Examples |
If You Were Absent:
Prepare for the test next time. You will need your BICUM Brochure. You will need to be able to use it, and apply the strategies to reading an article. You will need to know the names of the first ten presidents -- in order. You will need to know the subjects of the amendments in the Bill of Rights. You will need to know the CRAAP test -- the words and definitions. There are also study materials available on CANVAS and Skyward.
Do the make-up reading.
R = Relevance -- A = Authority -- Who wrote or published this? What makes them an expert?
A = Accuracy --
Is the information correct?
Can you verify it in more than one place?
P = Purpose --
Why did they create this?
and How biased is it?
Help and Enrichment
-- Your study materials are also available on Canvas.
Peg System:
1. Bun – Picture a bun wrapping about the first amendment:
"Speakin' of freedoms, oh what could they be
Freedom of Religion and Assembly,
Freedom of Petition and Freedom of Press,
Freedom of Speech, now don't distress."
2. Shoe – Picture a Bear wearing shoes – The right to bear arms.
3. Tree – It’s a quarter tree – You don’t have to quarter soldiers.
4. Door – You don’t have to let them in unless they have a valid search warrant. Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures.
5. Hive -- Bees are buzzing in your ears saying, “Tell us what you did! Admit you’re guilty!”
Freedom from self-incrimination (due process of law)
6. Sticks – Chasing the judge with sticks demanding the right to a speedy trial.
7. Heaven – Picture a jury box full of jurors on a cloud (in heaven). This is the right to a trial by jury.
8. Gate – It would be cruel and unusual for someone to slam a person’s hand in a gate.
This amendment protects us from cruel and unusual punishment.
9. Line – Stand in the RIGHT line to get your Individual RIGHTS. Many individuals would be standing there.
10. Hen – Picture the Governor standing on the Capitol steps holding a hen, demanding STATES RIGHTS.
Here is some more information if you would like to look at it on your own:
Loci System: Select a place you know well
Try using the Loci system to memorize the first ten Presidents of the United States.
Remember your "fieldtrip" to learn the presidents:
Mnemonics 2017 Facts to Memorize |
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