Announcements and Reminders:
September 29
Read-a-thon! Bring treats, pillow to sit on, blanket, if you wish.
Make a note for yourself to bring treats! |
Targets for Today:
I will spend time reading something enjoyable.
I will work on improving my reading fluency.
I will better understand how to use reading strategies to improve my comprehension.
Today’s Agenda:
Pick up your folder.
1. Individual Reading and fill out your log for today.
2. Fluency Practice and fill out your graph.
3. Finish up and hand in your BICUM Brochure.
After Reading -- #2
- Teach Someone
- Study in Groups
- Recreate in Writing
- Make Flash Cards
- Use mnemonics
1. Rhymes and Songs
2. Acronyms
3. Acrostics
4. Mini-Stories
5. Picture Links
ideas or facts)
- or mark it
with a ?
for later.
Be in Control:
Use Metacognition
[Your Name]
[Your Class Period]
Before Reading
Complete a
Self Check
Study Area
Level of
Feeling physically
1. Read the title. Ask: What do I know about this subject?
2. Read the first couple of sentences and the last couple of sentences.
3. Look for bold or italicized print.
4. Look at charts, maps, graphs, diagrams.
5. Select or Create Questions
6. Set Study Length
7. Place check marks
During Reading
Be Active "Talk" with the author or text. Visualize Predict 1) predict 2) read 3) check 4) compliment or correct
Pace yourself with a pencil.
Make Connections! Text to Self Text to Text Text to World
Stop at the 's and Test your Understanding.
Yes, I do
Mark and highlight text.
Continue to next .
Read to end of study block.
No, I don't
Use fix-up strategies: See the back of this brochure!
After Reading -- #1
Post View Ask yourself --
*What did I learn from reading this?
*What patterns/overall
structure did I notice?
*What was the overall
central idea?
*Do I understand it all?
If not, use fix-up strategies.
Answer Questions
Organize for Recall (Select 1)
-- make outlines
-- take notes
-- write summaries
-- create maps
4. Begin viewing Lewis and Clark Video -
A3 to 9:18
A4 to 23:10
compare with the texts we read "author's" purpose, choices (bias)
Take notes in the form of a "Mind Map."
Complete the make-up work for individual reading and for partner fluency.
Complete and hand in your BICUM Brochure.
Arrange with the teacher a day after school or during cave time to view the video and create your mind map.
Working on the Mind Map
Top right corner
The Lewis and Clark Expedition
Corps of Discovery
Lower right corner
(Your Name --- Your Class Period)
Washington, D.C.
St. Louis
Mississippi River (goes north and south through St. Louis
Missouri River (label just west of St. Louis)
Thomas Jefferson 1801 -- Became president
Louisiana Purchase -- 1803
Meriwether Lewis -- 28 years old
Jefferson's private secretary
Dog -- Seaman
William Clark -- 32 years old
had been in the army together
York -- Slave
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